Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s film ‘Vijay 58’ will be getting its official name any time soon. The fantasy film has been directed and written by Chimbu Deven. Other than Vijay, the film features Shruti Haasan, Sridevi, Sudeep and Hansika Motwani.
It was earlier reported that the title ‘Maareesan’ had been decided. But Chimbu Deven denied these rumors and said that the official title is still to be finalized. The filmmakers showed their interest in titles like ‘Maru Dheeran’, ‘Por vaal’ and ‘Garuda’. But all these were rejected too and the latest news is that the title ‘Puli’ would be chosen.
It was earlier reported that the title ‘Maareesan’ had been decided. But Chimbu Deven denied these rumors and said that the official title is still to be finalized. The filmmakers showed their interest in titles like ‘Maru Dheeran’, ‘Por vaal’ and ‘Garuda’. But all these were rejected too and the latest news is that the title ‘Puli’ would be chosen.