Muscle Mass Tips
Train very heavy--most the time. The muscles need to be constantly "overloaded" to continually to grow. Reps should stay within the 4 - 6 range.
Constantly challenge yourself to lift more weight. Never settle for a weight less than you have done in the past. Never forget or try to rationalize the fact that BIG weight equals BIG muscles!
After warming up a body part with its first exercise, don’t waste the time or energy warming up again on the following ones. Go straight to the heaviest weight possible! The muscle should already be warmed up. Warm up sets are designed to do exactly what the name implies . . . warm up! Don't waste your time or energy performing a lot of reps with less-than-overloading weight . Save your time and energy for the heavy, working sets.
The form for lifting weights should be done at a good "value." If the weight is too heavy, your form will be too sloppy too be effective. If the weight you use is too light, you may use great form, but you cannot progress without the challenge of incrementally lifting more weight. It’s like buying a car. You could buy the most expensive car to insure yourself of high quality. Or, you could buy the least expensive to save money. Ideally, the best choice is a car of both decent quality and price, or "value." Big weight makes big muscles -- period. I try to use the heaviest weight I can lift with decent form.
Perform every set to absolute failure.
Keep number of sets performed to a minimum, 4-5 on smaller muscle groups, 6-7 on larger ones.
Get a
lot of rest before training the muscle again. One body part a week, spread over 5 days--and always take the sixth and seventh day off.
Back up your training with sound nutrition--especially with high-quality protein.
Enhance your training with good supplementation. Get all the information you can so you can take advantage of the tremendous advances in this area—but don’t depend on supplements alone to create your physique. Just as this word clearly states, supplementation is an addition to intense training and sound nutrition.
Be consistent! What you do over the course of time all matters! Let me repeat . . . It all matters! How I train and eat for a show seven months out is just as important as seven weeks or even seven days before a show.
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