Tips For Lips

Tips that help:
• Drink plenty of water, thoroughly hydrate your skin, including lips.
• Avoid harsh weather. If this is impossible, make sure you always protect your lips by applying a lip balm.
• Try using the lip balms regularly. If you wait until you have chapped lips, the recovery will take longer.
• Try not to lick your lips or remove the skin with your fingers. It irritates the skin, and slows down any efforts we invest in lip care.
• Make sure you take vitamin supplements. Often, cracks in the corner of the mouth indicate a deficiency of Vitamin B2.
Start off with a lip scrub recipe:
• 1 teaspoon of honey
• 1 teaspoon of baking soda
• Olive oil

Mix honey and baking ingredients until the mass resembles a paste.
Apply the mix on your lips and leave it on for a couple of minutes.
Gently rub the lips.
Wash of with lukewarm water
Let the lips dry out and then apply olive oil. It will help the lips hydrate.
There is also a recipe that is very simple, too. Apply unsalted butter on your lips occasionally. That's it. It has the same effect as the olive oil.


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